Procter & Gamble’s Promotion Strategy

Procter & Gamble (P&G) utilizes a promotional mix to market its products. P&G’s promotional mix uses varied elements to reach and influence its target audience (The4, n.d.). In this article, we will explain in depth how Procter & Gamble (P&G) has succeeded in meeting its objectives in promoting its products.

Figure 7 : (Lucas, 2022)
Procter & Gamble’s price for Tide and other products in a supermarket.


The evolution of P&G’s promotion strategy

Procter & Gamble’s marketing has continually evolved, keeping its promotional strategies fresh and relevant in today’s fast-moving world.

P&G’s early advertising efforts were based on print and radio broadcasts. The company distinguished itself as a specialist in innovative marketing by creating the “soap opera” concept, a marketing technique in which its soap products sponsored radio soap operas. At the time of this promotional initiative, radio was a dominant medium.

With the arrival of television, P&G adapted quickly and easily and started promoting their products on TV. With the arrival of the Internet, P&G has integrated well, diving head first into digital marketing.

P&G’s promotional strategy has also evolved towards more targeted marketing. P&G has incorporated significant social themes into its advertising campaigns. Memorable campaigns such as Always’ “Like a Girl” and Gillette’s “The Best Men Can Be” testify to P&G’s commitment to goal-oriented marketing.

Overview of P&G’s promotional mix

Procter & Gamble (P&G) uses a variety of means to promote and sell its products. It runs TV commercials, magazine and newspaper ads, and uses the Internet for online and social media campaigns (Scribd, n.d.).

P&G also works with stores to offer discounts. P&G cares about the image its target audience has of it, which is why it reaches out to the media and does positive things for the community to maintain a good reputation.

P&G also speaks directly to its customers by email, mails out catalogues and distributes free samples to allow people to try its products. It even supports events and sports teams to raise brand awareness. The way P&G publicizes its products constantly evolves, depending on what people like and how they buy things.

An example of some P&G marketing campaigns that have resonated with global audiences

Procter & Gamble (P&G) has had the success of several marketing campaigns that have resonated strongly with audiences worldwide (, 2024).

Here are just a few examples:

P&G’s “Thank You, Mom” campaign (Wieden Kennedy, 2010) was particularly successful during the Olympic Games ( 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games).

The campaign aims to celebrate the role of mothers in the lives of athletes. The campaign was a worldwide success, conveying emotions showing the love, sacrifice, and perseverance of mothers.

P&G’s Always brand has launched the “Like a Girl” campaign (, 2015), encouraging

girls to redefine the phrase “like a girl” as a symbol of strength

that encourages girls to be confident.

Ariel’s “Share the Load” campaign was a global success, tackling the issue of gender equality by showing the importance of sharing responsibilities within the family issue of gender equality.


Procter & Gamble’s honest promotional strategy has evolved successfully, and its marketing mix has built trust with customers, consumers, and business partners. It prioritizes respect for commitments and clear communication.


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