The Best ways to make money on Pinterest without a website or a blog ($ 100 daily )

Lisa ( AKA”Pinterest Queen” ) has been teaching SAHMs (stay-at-home mothers) to make money using Pinterest for the past five years. In this article, she will explain how to make money on Pinterest without a blog. She will also share the testimonials of her students who make $1000 daily without needing a website or blog.

Can you make money on Pinterest without a blog

Meet Mary ( the Pinterest Queen )

How to make money on Pinterest without a blog

Hello, my name is Mary, and I am known as the Pinterest Queen. I have worked as a Pinterest marketer and teacher for five years and have made a living solely through Pinterest. 

Creating a website or blog can be daunting and requires much time and effort; however, If you are interested in making money on Pinterest without having a website or blog. In that case, there are several ways to do so.

Many students have made money through Pinterest without a blog or website. Here are some other ways you can make money on Pinterest without having a blog or website:

Make money on Pinterest with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an excellent option to monetize your Pinterest account without a website or blog. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where you promote other people’s products or services and earn a commission for every sale or action generated through your referral. 

If you want to begin with affiliate marketing on Pinterest, do this :

  • Join networks or affiliate programs that are related to your field or what you’re interested in. Find shows that offer goods or services that people in your audience would be interested in.                                                    

Let’s say your Pinterest account is for showing off the latest clothes for women. So, you can join a program that lets people sell designer clothes.

  • After signing up for an affiliate program, you can create pins with stunning images and link your affiliate’s website or landing page.
  • You can add relevant keywords to the pins, exciting captions, and calls to action to make your pins more search engine-friendly. 
  • You could also put your pins on boards to make it easier for people to find and look at content connected to their interests.
  • Be transparent with your followers or clients by disclosing affiliate links in your Pinterest content. They will appreciate knowing that you share products you truly believe in.
  • Build a connection with your followers and other Pinterest creators.
  • Join other boards and allow others to join your boards. 

Selling Your Products or Services on Pinterest

Selling your products or services on Pinterest can be a great way to earn income, even without having a website or blog. Esther, one of my students, is a very creative designer. She sells her unique handbags online, and Pinterest is her preferred source of income. She attracts many potential customers by sharing her bags on Pinterest and adding a buyable button to her content. 

With a visually appealing marketing strategy and the right products, you can tap into Pinterest’s massive user base and earn money from your creative endeavors.

You can sell products or services on Pinterest

You don’t need a website or blog to sell your goods or services on Pinterest. It can be a great way to make money. I teach Esther, and she is a very artistic designer. She sells her one-of-a-kind handbags online, and Pinterest is her favorite way to make money. Sharing her bags on Pinterest and putting a “buy” button on her posts brings her a lot of potential customers. 

If you have the correct goods and a marketing plan that looks good, you can use Pinterest’s massive user base to make money from your creative projects.

Working together with brands to offer sponsored pins

If you want to make money from Pinterest but don’t have a website or blog, you can work with brands to make paid pins. Through these paid ads, brands can show off their goods or services to Pinterest users. If you use Pinterest, you can take advantage of this chance by working with brands to make paid content that people will want to see.

Esther sells DIY bags with buyable pins

How to make money on Pinterest without a blog

Esther is one of my students and best friends. Five years ago, she was feeling bored and contacted me for help. Despite not having a college degree, Easter wanted a good job and salary, and she was very motivated to find work online. 

When I got to her house, I saw the beautiful bags she had made herself. She had made big bags, small bags, and even bags for kids. She loved art, but didn’t know she could make a living.   We took time together to identify what she could do, and she decided to start a business to sell her DIY products.

The next day, she began making many bags, and every bag has its unique story. 

Esther learned how to use Pinterest, and the next step was to sell her bags on Pinterest.  The first year, she sold many stocks of bags online by using buyable pins.

Esther’s business grew quickly. And it has turned out to be a big enterprise with many workers. She now works with big brands like Chanel. 


Final Thought

Can you make money on Pinterest without a blog?

The answer is yes; you can make much money using the right strategy. 

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