How to Make a Man Spend Money On You

How do you make a guy spend money on you? Being a good girl will not make any man spend money on you; instead, play with his ego by treating and complimenting him like a king, even if you don’t mean it will get any man to do whatever you want.

Have you ever thought about why bad girls are always rich? They have a secret; men are interested in them and will do anything to make them happy and give them money. So, If you want a guy to spend money on you, be a bad girl.

In this article, Mary (one of the love experts) offers the bad girl’s secret and valuable tips on how to get a man to spend money on you and get the money you deserve from him.

How to Make a Rich Guy to Spend Money on You

how to make a guy spend money on you

Every woman needs a caring partner who loves and cherishes her. 

This is How to Make a Man Spend Money on You : 

1. Respect his priorities and preferences without attempting to change them

Understanding and respecting a man’s priorities is essential if you wish him to spend money on you. In my thirties, my wealthy boyfriend prioritized his mother and sisters over me. Nothing changed despite my attempts to change his mind and make me his priority. 

I remember losing my job while we were together and asking him to change his priorities to cover our expenses and provide me with financial support, but he refused. His focus remained on supporting his family, so I struggled financially.

As I tried to please him and ask for the money I needed, he kept his distance and did not provide me anything. However, everything changed when I stopped complaining about his relationship with his family and asking for money.

 I learned that it’s okay to accept a man’s choices and that trying to change him might not be the best thing to do. 

2. Don’t sacrifice your own needs and desires to please him

It’s important to remember that you have your priorities and needs when you’re with someone. 

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you’re selfish or don’t care about your guy. It just means recognizing your importance and showing your man that you have a strong sense of self-worth and freedom by putting your happiness first.

The relationship can be unhealthy when you only care about making your guy happy and putting their wants before yours. Your partner might stop caring about your happiness because they think they already have everything they need.

Feel free to do the things that make you happy, hang out with friends, and work on your growth. 

3. Know his financial situation

Start by having open and honest conversations about money. Ask questions and listen attentively to understand your guy’s financial goals, obligations, and responsibilities. 

Does he have any debts or financial commitments?

 Is he saving for something specific?

 Knowing these details will help you have a clearer picture of his financial situation.

Knowing how much he makes each month will help you figure out what amount is fair to ask for. For example, you can’t ask for $10,000 monthly if he makes $1,000 monthly.

4. Boosting His Ego – A Simple Trick That Works

” Start by appreciating the amount of his spending, even if you don’t mean it.”

Boosting his ego is paying him compliments and appreciating what he does for you, even if it’s not genuine.

Put on your charm, ladies, and make your man feel like a king. Boost his ego with genuine respect and appreciation, and watch him gleefully open his wallet to pamper you; it doesn’t matter if your compliments aren’t genuine; what matters is that you get the money and love you deserve.

Boosting your man’s ego can be a simple yet powerful way to make him spend money on you : 

  • Men love feeling like they’re the providers and the ones who can take care of their partners. By making him feel valued, respected, and admired, you can tap into his desire to show his love through financial gestures.
  • Another simple trick that works wonders is praising him for his accomplishments. 
  • Acknowledge his hard work, intelligence, and success. Show genuine admiration for his achievements, whether big or small. 
  • Another way to boost his ego is by seeking his advice and valuing his opinion. 
  • Ask for his guidance on various matters, whether it’s related to work, personal growth, or even fashion. By showing that you value his insights and trust his judgment, you give him a sense of importance and significance in your life.

5) Spend Quality Time Together

Spending quality time together is not only essential for building a strong connection with your partner, but it can also be a way to encourage him to spend money on you. 

Spending time with him is essential. It would help to build a connection before he starts spending on you.

6) Mastering the Art of Asking Directly

  • Be clear, direct, and specific with your requests and expectations when asking him.
  • Make it clear how much money you want from him and offer something in return, even if you don’t plan to keep your word.
how to make a man spend money on you

Final thought :

In conclusion, here are some basic techniques to convince a guy to spend money on you:

  • Know his priorities and respect them. Don’t try to change him or his preferences.
  • Have your priorities, and don’t make him your first priority. Maybe you could consider making him your fifth priority.
  • Don’t sacrifice your own needs and desires to please him.
  • When you’re together, please his ego, 
  • It is important to figure out his approximate financial situation and social position.
  •  Ask him for what you want.


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